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Lemon Lime

When styling an outfit,
how often do you pair a royal blue pencil skirt
and a rich purple silk blouse together?
No other patterns or accessories.
Just a solid skirt and a solid blouse.
The correct answer is, probably,
about as often as you put bright green and yellow together.
At least that would be mine.
Same with red and orange.
The colors are just so similar
that they don’t seem to be complimentary
to the other, right?
Well, this could be a valid point 
if you aren’t one to look outside the box a little bit.
If you keep your mind open,
styling two similar colors on the color wheel
is actually quite do-able.
As a frequent shopper and deal scavenger,
I am pleasantly surprised when I empty out my shopping bag when I get home.
But the real fun comes when you are putting together an outfit
and you watch all of those items that you’ve bought
come together to make something really interesting.
I think that’s the problem that people have when they go shopping.
They go to find an outfit, 
like a cohesive masterpiece is just waiting for them
when they step in to the store they want to shop in.
It’s happened to me, too.
This usually happens to me when
I’m invited to a themed party.
I wait until the very last minute to throw something together
(if procrastination were a sport, mark my words,
I’d be the Olympic gold medalist)
and then when I finally feel the pressure to get things together,
I go to the mall and leave empty handed.
When, really …
… the best outfits, at least in my experience,
are made up of things that have been bought over a period of time.
I think that’s why it’s so important to shop as a ‘collector’, per say.
These collector’s items that you buy, over the course of however long,
(I guess it depends on how much you shop)
will slowly come together …
… and I promise it will surprise you.
It’s awesome.
Great outfits come with time.
Yellow is not a color that I’m necessarily drawn to buy for some reason.
So, when I bought this skirt on super sale last summer,
I will admit that I wondered why I was buying it.
Mind you,
this thought occurred
after I paced the entirety of the store for about 10 minutes.
I also don’t wear yellow that often.
(Probably because I don’t own a lot of it. Makes sense.)
But, I guess it was this mentality in the back of my mind
telling me that ‘there will come a time where
you will thank yourself for taking advantage of this sale
and buying this skirt’.
And after I put this outfit together,
sure enough:
‘Thank you, Haley’
went through my mind.
I think the variety of pattern and shades of green,
make this lemon-lime centered get up a true delight.
Next time you want to switch things up a bit,
see what you can do with your collector’s items
and put some unlikely colors and patterns together.
It may pleasantly surprise you!
Shirt: J. Crew {similar here; also check local store sale department} | Vest: Old Navy, old 
Skirt: J. Crew, old {similar here} | Belt: J. Crew, last year {similar here and here}
Necklace: Amazon, private seller | Watch: Michael Kors
Shoes: Aldo, old {similar here} | Purse: Kate Spade, old
Photography by: Miguel Emmanuelli

Happy Hump Day, y’all!

With LOVE & sequins,

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