pretty palmy out

Every summer, I buy a new beach bag.
Well, I take that back … maybe not every summer.
I try and find ones that will last for a few years,
but was very unlucky last year with the one I chose.
I have a blue paisley-printed one that has stood the test of time,
unlike many others, but the problem I have with it is how small it is.
I am a pack rat, and even though I am completely content
with just basking in the sun’s powerful rays … I still find it VERY necessary
to carry multiple bottles of suntan oil, sunblock for my face,
towels, headphones, magazines, a couple books, a huge Tervis of water,
a beach ball, the newest Almanac, and a boom-box.
Okay, I hope you can sense my facetiousness there at the end,
but you get what I am trying to say here.
I need one that will LAST,
so I have been on the look out for a replacement recently.

I ended up choosing this one for a few reasons:
the mix of colors, the palm tree print, and its durability.
The mix of colors is fun and tropical,
the perfect addition to a classic all black beach ensemble.
The palm tree print just makes me happy.
It reminds me of, not only Florida,
but one of my favorite fictional characters,
Miss Blanche Devereaux.
“.. Thank you for being a friend, down the road and back again,
your heart is true, you’re a pal and confidant .. “
[Please tell me you watched Golden Girls at some point in your life.
If not, do yourself a favor, google it … and watch an episode on You Tube.
You’re welcome.]

Dress: Target, old | Shoes: Target {inspired by these*} | Bag: Target
Watch: Michael Kors | Bracelets: Stella & DotTory Burch | Earrings: Tory Burch
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban | Lips: NARS ‘Schiap’
* = item is on sale
Moving on … the bag is very lightweight and seemingly durable.
I will have to do a product review at the end of the summer
to let you know how it withstands its pack rat owner.

Thanks for reading, y’all! Have a wonderful day!
With LOVE & sequins,

“Here we are in the middle of a crisis,
and there is no cheesecake!”
– Blanche Devereaux – 

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