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Michael Kors ‘Colette’ Large Leather Satchel | Prada 54mm Cat Eye SunglassesTory Burch Lonnie Flat Espadrilles | BP. Bow Bandeau Top | Jeffrey Campbell ‘Rodillo-Hi’ Wedge Sandal |  Kendra Scott ‘Alex’ Drop EarringsCynthia Rowley Long Sleeve Flounce Dress | BCBGMAXAZRIA Bethanie Maxi Dress | Dolce & Gabbana Leopard Print Passport Cover | Gigi New York 2015 Planner *on sale!

I can’t even believe it … tomorrow is my birthday. The older you get, the faster the years go by, which I guess is alright since I fully believe that the best is yet to come. While I am blessed beyond measure and not in need of anything worth asking for, I put together a Birthday Wish List, mostly because I’m always perusing online retailers and these style boards are fun to put together, ha! 😉 If I was super serious about any of them …. it would be a baby sister for Fish. Since I work from home now, I see how feisty he is every morning, playing like a little mad man, and sometimes sitting at my feet with three toys looking up at me to come down and play with him. Ha, it melts my heart and he always wins but I just wish I could watch him play with another little nugget baby, having the best little time. Ha, maybe one day … 

Thanks for stopping by, y’all! xo.

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With love & sequins,
“Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old”
Franz Kafka

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