The Best Fall Sweater Under $50

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Hey there, lovelies! Happy Monday! If I could wear one outfit for the entire Fall season, it would be this. It’s one of the few outfits that I would deem ‘comfortable’ while also feeling confident. These high-waisted skinnies by Topshop are so form fitting, and are a great compliment to the oversized tunic sweater. The sweater comes in multiple colors, and such a steal at under $50! I’m wearing an XXS for reference. I also have it in black, and have worn it so many times because they’re such a cozy throw on! Now is a really good time to go ahead and stock up on those basic sweaters for Fall. I’ve linked a few, plus some cardigans and capes that I’ve found all under $50 in the widget below:

Also, I apologize for my earrings not being available – I thought they would still be by now but I have linked some other cute ones below for you!

My earrings DO have a necklace version, though, that you can check out HERE.

These photo’s were taken by Millennium Bridge, near St. Paul’s, during golden hour a few weeks ago. I have, honestly, been so lucky with weather since I’ve been here. I mean, yeah, there have been a few days where it has rained but it’s really not THAT bad, or as bad as people make it seem. Not to say it never is that way, or whatnot .. I’m sure there is truth to people saying it rains A LOT in London but I’m just thankful it hasn’t been that way since August. Maybe I brought all the sunshine from Florida with me, who knows? 😉

This weekend was the first one in the last month or so that I’ve been able to spend by myself. Don’t get me wrong … I’ve loved having all of my friends here but it was really nice to just have minimal plans. I literally spent most of yesterday walking around different neighborhoods, exploring, taking photos and mental notes of places to try sometime before I leave. I think I’ll eventually put together a post of the photo’s I’ve captured while I’ve been here, as well. London is such a picturesque city, and I’m convinced everyone needs to come and see it – so, if I can help inspire you, through photos, I will! 🙂

I have a busy week ahead – Marissa is in town until Tuesday afternoon so, we’ll be doing stuff tomorrow during the day. Then, Thursday, I am heading somewhere fun with my photographer Victoria that we have been planning for awhile. I CANNOT WAIT. It’s somewhere I’ve wanted to go for a long time and I’m hoping it’s every bit as dreamy as it seems in a certain movie I love. Stay tubed for more on that via Snapchat!

Hope y’all have a great start to your week! Appreciate you stopping by! xo.

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