Hey there, friends! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend! Did you have yesterday off? I know it’s a hit or miss holiday in terms of work. Some people have off, some people don’t. I took yesterday to catch up on work a little bit. I spent a good bit of Friday and the weekend de-cluttering after getting my room moved over to my old roommates’ room, which has put me a little behind on the blog side of things. I pulled a ton of items out of my closet to either donate or sell on Shop Alyson Haley, so be sure to follow along if you want to potentially buy some of my gently used tops, dresses, beach cover-up’s, home decor, shoes and handbags! It feels so good to declutter! It also feels good to brainstorm how I can maximize the space I’m in, and then actually find pieces of furniture that fit those ideas. The other day, after a long search, I found a bedroom furniture set that will fit in my new room perfectly. It will allow me to comfortably fit all the items that need to be in my dresser that are currently without a space to live, like my winter accessories, athleisure pieces and Fish’s seasonal sweaters, ha! 😉 I’m trying my best to keep my personal items and my work items completely separate from each other. So, in my office, I want it to be solely my creative space – not a storage space for clothes, handbags, etc. Wish me luck! Ha! 🙂
It’s been unseasonably warm down here in the South. I mean, we don’t have much of a winter but usually January is our coldest month, getting down in to the 20’s most nights, but it’s been in the 70’s & 80’s latley. This off-the-shoulder top is a great piece for the mild Winter weather. I love the light grey color and how well it fits me in the arms before it flares out. It’s only $35, and can easily be worn during the summer giving you more use out of it. Nordstrom has a pretty impressive slew of off-the-shoulder tops under $50. My favorites are here:

If you have a little bit more to spend I love the selection of off-the-shoulder tops at Shopbop, as well!
These distressed denim jeans are my favorite pair by AG. They fit SO good, running true to size, and have the perfect amount of distressing. Definitely snag them if you’re in need of a good pair! These pumps make your legs look ah-mazingggg but … I will say, they are pretty tough to walk in over a long period of time. They run really narrow, so even when you get your appropriate size, they’re a little tight. And, this is coming from a gal with narrow feet. I can wear them for about an hour and then I’m done. I linked a few similar pair in the product details below!
I’ve also been on a statement earrings kick lately! Aside from the ones I’m wearing in this post, I have my eyes on these:

Now is the time to pull the trigger on the ones that stand out to you. These are all perfect for Spring and Summer outfits, and I can guarantee you … you will see one or all of them on style bloggers in the next month or two and might be inspired to get them when it’s already too late. Act now! 🙂 I try to give y’all these BUY warnings throughout the year … like when I tell y’all to buy winter coats in August or September because that’s when they come out!
Thank you ALL so much for your feedback in Thursday’s post re: yoga and travel destinations! I laid out a rough draft of travels for this year and will be working toward getting some of them planned. My travel list is so long, y’all. I literally want to go everywhere but … you can only go so many places in a year, you know? Especially when you’re a dog mom AND a homebody 😉 I have such ironic interests… I am so drawn to bright colors yet I have more white, gray and beige in my closet than any other color. I love to travel and attend work conferences, but I consider myself an introverted homebody. I run a blog called Sequins & Things but I haven’t worn sequins in a post in a LONG time! Ha! I like irony, though, so it just is what it is.
Alright, I’ve rambled enough. I just always want y’all to know how much I appreciate you!
Some of my favorite MLK quotes, in honor of yesterday’s holiday:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
Make it a great day, y’all! xo.