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What Is A Jade Roller & What Does It Do?

jade roller, what is a jade roller, sequins and things, alyson haley, what is a jade roller, jade roller, ancient Chinese medicine, crystal healing, beauty, skincare, jade

Hey friends! A couple of weeks ago, I introduced y’all to a new beauty tool I’ve been embracing and incorporating into my daily skin care routine over on IG Stories. It’s called a jade roller. I’ll be sharing the full daytime and night time skincare routine in a couple of weeks but I wanted to go ahead and do a quick post on this tool separately to answer all of the questions I’ve been receiving about it!

Jade rolling has actually been around for a really long time, since the 7th century A.D.! In ancient Chinese medicine, jade was used as a means to cast out negative energy, combat pain and bring revitalizing energy, or ‘chi’, to certain areas that are ailing. I’ve never really been super into crystal energy, however, I read that the jade rolling practice has multiple practical benefits if incorporated into your daily beauty routine. After reading through them, I wanted to give it a try myself, as I am recently passionate about taking the best care of my skin that I can.

what is a jade roller, jade roller, ancient chinese medicine, crystal healing, beauty, skincare, jade

Jade rolling has many benefits. Here are just a few:

• LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE: Nurse Haley is going to clock in right now and give you guys the scoop on what this means. The body is comprised of 11 organ systems. One of those systems is the lymphatic system, which is responsible for many things like ridding the body of toxins and removing interstitial fluid from tissues. To be honest, lymphatic drainage massage is typically recommended for people who have had surgery that involved removing lymph nodes and thus making it harder for their bodies to rid the toxins and fluid by itself.

While my body’s lymphatic system is working just fine, rolling this tool in an upward motion along my face, up to my temple, in the mornings and at night assists in breaking up any fluid that has built up in my facial tissues, caused by fatigue due to jet lag and lots of travel, unhealthy eating or not drinking enough water, and rids my body of unwanted toxins.

IMPROVED CIRCULATION: Good circulation is really important to ones overall health. It does more than I think we truly realize. Doctors tell us all the time that we need to ‘get the blood pumping!’ because an active lifestyle is crucial to healthy living. Nurse Haley is still here so I’ll tell you why … stay with mehemoglobin is the protein inside of red blood cells that carries oxygen  [simply put … blood carries oxygen] – which stimulates the body’s natural healing functions, like minimizing inflammation, producing collagen, etc. Your skin cells need this oxygen in order to perform their functions. So, if you’re doing what you can to promote and improve circulation … you can be left with dull skin, acne, decelerated healing, dark circles underneath your eyes, etc.

Jade rolling is a way to ‘get the blood pumping!’ in your face! Don’t you always feel better after getting a good cardio workout in? This is kind of what you’re doing with the jade roller for your face! So, give your face a little work out with this tool and it’ll help give it the oxygen it needs by getting more blood up there, which will yield results like a brighter, glowing complexion and smoother skin tone. 

REDUCES UNDER-EYE PUFFINESS: In a society driven by busyness and success, who doesn’t often struggle to rid themselves of those pesky puffy eyes after only five or so hours of sleep at night? Maybe less, for some of you! Mine show up the worst when I’m traveling. Jade is a naturally very cool stone which, when applied to the skin, can help reduce the swelling. Because what do we know about cool things vs. hot things? Heat makes things expand and inflame, but cool / cold things constrict and go down! So, this tool has been a ‘real gem’ to keep around .. hah, get it? 😉

ASSISTS SERUMS WITH SKIN PENETRATION & ABSORPTION: Does anyone else feel like after they put their moisturizer or facial serum on that it ends up all over your pillow? Sometimes I wonder if it was staying on my face long enough to really see the benefits of the product.

*** insert jade roller ***

The simple action of rolling the tool over your skin while you’re wearing a sheet mask or after you’ve added a few drops of your favorite facial serum to your face will press these formulas into your skin repeatedly, instead of it just sitting on the top layer of your skin after quickly applying it with your fingers. The repeated motions of the roller really works the product into your skin and allows for better absorption.


I use the Elemis Superfood Facial Oil. I love this U.K. based brand. It’s all natural and it leaves my skin looking and feeling plump and moisturized!

PRO TIP: Make sure you roll the stone between your hands before rolling serums or masks into your skin as the warmer it is, the more open your pores will be and the better absorption that will occur.

OTHER BENEFITS: Minimize fine lines, smoothes wrinkles, ‘carves out’ your cheekbones and jawline and relieves tension that build up at certain points on your face like your temples!what is a jade roller, jade roller, ancient chinese medicine, crystal healing, beauty, skincare, jade what is a jade roller, jade roller, ancient chinese medicine, crystal healing, beauty, skincare, jade

The jade roller is very easy to use. The key is long, even strokes with gentle pressure. It’s important to know where the lymphatic drainage points are on your face and neck because that’s the area you want to push the fluid to. On your face, they’re at your temples and on your neck, they’re near your clavicle. You’ll want to roll in an outward, upward motion on your face and a downward motion on your neck. When you do your jawline, I typically start in the middle of my chin, roll along the jawline and when I get to my ear, I start rolling downward along my neck. I mostly use the large jade end of the roller for most of my face but switch to the smaller end for areas like my nose and underneath my eyes.

I’ve read it’s best to keep it in the refrigerator so that it’s extra cool when you use it, however, I find mine to stay pretty cool naturally so I personally don’t do that nor do I think there is a pressing need to.


what is a jade roller, jade roller, ancient chinese medicine, crystal healing, beauty, skincare, jade

You can find jade rollers on different retailers’ websites around the web. Be careful, though. I feel like there are a lot of imitation ones out there. Here are some of the ones I’ve found that I think stand a strong chance at being authentic.

what is a jade roller, jade roller, ancient chinese medicine, crystal healing, beauty, skincare, jade

I started using my jade roller in September of last year, I believe. I can’t remember specifically but I have been using it for awhile before introducing it to you guys! I’ve seen some really positive changes in my skin after using it at least four times a week during my morning and nightly skincare routines!

If you’ve been wondering about what this tool is and what it does to your skin before pulling the trigger, I hope this post has been helpful and informative! Please let me know if you have any questions for me in the comments below! I’d be happy to help! Thanks for stopping by today, guys! xo.

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