Favorite Hair Products, Tools & Accessories For Spring

Back in 2017, I purchased a vintage Hermes scarf while I was in Nice and wore it as a hair accessory on the trip [I wore it in this post]. I thought it was so so cute and perfect for travel because, to be honest, when I’m traveling, I don’t want to fuss over my hair everyday. Since I wear a lot more hair accessories in the Spring, especially for Spring & Summer travels, I thought it would be fun and helpful to roundup my holy grail hair care products, as well as the hair tools I’ve been loving lately, and accessories that’ll add the little perfect to those outfits that just scream Spring!

MORE HAIR POSTS: Hair Extension Q&A | Daily Hair Routine [old post, but this is essentially what I still do]

Be sure to follow along on my Spring travel over the next few weeks for more scarves and head wraps! What are some of your favorite hair products?

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