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Pleated Pink Dress Under $100 + An Encouraging Message

Hi there, friends!

Today, I’m featuring this beautiful pink pleated dress that I purchased from one of my favorite stores in the U.K. called Mango. They are similar to H&M in that they provide us with gorgeous pieces at reasonably affordable prices. This dress runs a little big so I’d say go one size down if you can. It also comes in a vivid red color, which would be great for the upcoming 4th of July holiday! It’s under $100 and, even though it’d be shipping from the U.K., they offer free shipping and your items will arrive up to five days after purchase. Honestly, that’s not much different than a lot of retailers here in the States so I think that’s amazing! Here are some pieces from Mango that caught my eye that last time I did a little walk through:

In addition to featuring this dress, I thought I’d share some thoughts I’ve had lately that may potentially serve someone.

A few years ago, I had this gut feeling that Jacksonville wasn’t where I was going to end up – nor did I really want to end up here, to be honest – but I had absolutely no inclination about where I should go instead. Moreover, I didn’t know how I would find the place I was meant to go. For the longest time, I was completely clueless and just kind of went about life as usual. Eventually I found London, but again … I was met with questions like ‘how am I supposed to get here? I know I’m not supposed to end up in Jacksonville & I feel led to be here but … I can’t just pack up and move …’. I shared in this post that I chose to stop resisting and start leaning into the fear that was getting in my way and actually participate in figuring out how to get to where I felt led to be. Now, I’m one sleep away from welcoming Mr. London here in Jacksonville and potentially a few months away from moving to London, and feeling SO. GIDDY. and so thankful.

I’ll be sharing more about the latest news re: my London journey in the Monthly Favorites newsletter, which goes out tomorrow, but it’s just so crazy to think back on that inkling I had years ago and how God has slowly worked to clarify why I felt that way and how life can truly fall into place when you actually participate in making the desires of your heart a reality. While I do believe the Lord calls us to seasons of waiting, I also believe He will bring you to times of challenge where you will need to DO something. It might not be easy [this visa pursuit has surely not been easy] but there could be some big blessings that will come out of it and I surely believe Mr. London is one of mine.

So, if you have an inkling about something … just know it will all make sense eventually … and if you’re being called to DO something and a dream can’t happen until you take action … go for it, even if it’s hard!

I hope you guys are having a great week! Be sure to head back here tomorrow! I’m finally sharing my Spring & Summer Shoe Review! Woo! xo.

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