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Three Things I’m Celebrating This Week

Hi there, friends! We’re almost to the weekend! I don’t know about y’all but I am so ready for a sunny and 70 kind of day which is what tomorrow is going to be like here! I hope you have some nice weather to look forward, as well!

I actually posted a white dress roundup for those of you who are brides-to-be today but had an urge to share some good news with you guys so I thought I’d share an outfit post I’ve been sitting on, as well, ha! Sadly, this dress is sold out but hopefully it does restock and I linked a similar option for you and I just love the wedges and the jewelry so I didn’t want it to not share it. I actually just placed a new H&M order yesterday so I’ll go ahead and pop those links here for you guys so you can get a sneak peek at what might be coming up either here on the blog or on Instagram.

Okay, now on to the good news! I have three exciting things to share:


Louie is feeling better and so much more like himself. Ever since arriving back home last week, he has just not been himself. He’s had some stomach issues and not really been up for eating. We would see little glimpses of him here and there but, mostly, his personality just seemed really bleak and sad. He hasn’t eaten much and just really got us quite worried. It’s one of those times [that I knew I’d experience] where I just wish I had a pediatric nurse practitioner or pediatrician to call and be like … hey, is this normal? Thankfully, he woke up yesterday and was completely back to himself – eating his breakfast, really giggly and playful and, I know this sounds dramatic, but it made me emotional. Your mind can go some really dark places when your baby seems off for no reason. So, anyway, we are celebrating the return of his health — well, mostly. His nose is still runny all the time and, therefore, so is mine. Ha, but this is a big win!


John and I are celebrating THREE years together tonight! Our anniversary was actually yesterday but we made some plans to go out to dinner tonight just the two of us which will be so nice. We don’t do many date nights out without Louie so it’ll be nice to just leave the house without feeling stressed and running around trying to pack all the things hah. Honestly, I’m so grateful for John. Our last two years haven’t felt the lightest. We’ve both had to navigate so much change and, while it’s definitely tested us, there’s truly no one I’d rather be going through so many stressful things with than him. Looking forward to many more years together … and really looking forward to the lighter ones haha!


I GOT A NEW VISA! The visa that I’ve been on is one I’ll always be grateful for [because it allowed me to be here the last two years; I wouldn’t have deepened my relationship with John or have Louie without it] but, man … it’s been a stressful little sucker. Without sharing too many details, doing business and dealing with taxes in two countries is not for the faint of heart. I’m so grateful to have found another visa option that has nothing to do with what I do for work and allows me to be here with so much less stress. I’ll still run my business but, the way it’s structured between the two countries, will be way more straightforward and, sadly, it wasn’t able to be structured that way on my last visa. So, now, I am hear through December of 2024, when I’ll need to apply for an extension of this visa. Once I’m on this visa for five years, I can apply for what’s called indefinite leave to remain — and I won’t need to continue to apply for visa’s. I’ll be allowed to stay indefinitely — I just need to take and pass a test — and likely pay more money, ha! Immigration is not cheap, I’ll say that! But, I’m so glad this is now behind me because it’s been mentally taxing and has been taking up quite a bit of my time so I’m looking forward to spending the next few months getting our home feeling more put together, organizing the kitchen [which is a disaster] and kind of just … taking some time to create space for me to explore what might be next for me. That might sound strange but I think I have been feeling like things have been different here in this space since I got here and I’ve tried to resist this knowing that things need to change and, instead of trying to force things and do things the way I always have [which I’m actually so not motivated to do], I’m going to just allow myself the space and time to explore new things and see where it leads me. So, I’m celebrating that, as well. I feel really free right now and I haven’t felt that in a long time.

So, anyway, lots to celebrate over here this weekend! Thanks so much for stopping by! Are you celebrating anything right now? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below! xo.

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