bows and blue

outfit details | dress: forever 21 | bow: betty bows | shoes: aldo [new] | clutch: aldo, old [similar here]
watch: michael kors | bracelets: j.crewstella & dot | sunnies: anthropologie | heart ring: forternal
‘h’ ring: gorjana & griffin | midi ring: gorjana & griffin | arrow ring: stella & dot
earrings: j.crew [similar herehere] | lips: nars
hi there! welcome to another week!
i hope you’re feeling fully recharged and ready to tackle it!
so, i love this cut-out dress trend that has been on the rise over the last couple of months.
mainly, i think, because i love anything that can be characterized as both adorable and sassy.
i found this one from forever 21 and was immediately drawn its cut and simple stripes.
note | if the above link doesn’t take you to the dress, search in forever21’s search box:
“striped cutout dress”
below are some of my other cut-out favorites that i’ve found:
one | two | three | four | five
make it a great day, y’all!
with love and sequins,
xo | thank you to betty bows for my adorable red bow. it is darling and i love it.
winner | congrats to Cindy Solis Garza on winning the turquoise teardrop
necklace from A Cut Above Boutique! i will be sending you an email shortly
to obtain your mailing information.

“i always find beauty in things that are odd & imperfect.
they are much more interesting.”
– marc jacobs –

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