Hey y’all!
My name is Alyson Haley,
but most everybody calls me Haley.
I am a Florida girl born & bred,
literally raised in the sand and bathing suits year-round,
and grew up loving football and all things girly!
I would consider myself to be a pretty compassionate individual.
So, becoming a nurse was a very natural aspiration for me.
In 2010, I graduated with my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing
and currently work on a Neurosurgical unit
with previous experience in Neurology & Orthopedics.
So, what the heck am I thinking starting a blog devoted to my own personal life and style?
A fashion blogger by way of nursing?
A registered nurse with fashion blogging on the side?
Seems unlikely, but, believe it, it’s happening!
I have no formal education in fashion, PR, or styling
but I think Oscar de la Renta said it best:
“Fashion is what you get four times a year,
STYLE is what you pick out of that fashion”.
What I take from that is that style can’t be taught,
it’s just your own personal expression of how you feel and who you are
… and if you’re like me, you think it’s FUN!
So, then, the real question is: Why not?!
There is nothing glamorous about my line of work,
and although I love it,
it’s only part of who I am.
To sum it up:
I’m the kind of gal who loves finding that amazing deal
on something you really wanted but refused to pay full price for,
believes that driving with the windows down
& her favorite song turned up is the perfect cure to any bad mood,
whose ideal day would be laying on the beach
for a solid 8 hours in Florida’s summer sun laughing with her best girlfriends,
believes that she alone can keep her local Starbucks in business,
and is always down for a spontaneous adventure!
“Sequins & Things” is that next fun little adventure I’m jumping into
& I sure do hope you will join me!
With love and sequins,
Alyson Haley