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What To Pack For An International Overnight Flight

Hey there! Last week, I asked y’all how you wanted me to incorporate my travels into the blog and one of the posts I suggested was what to pack on an international, overnight flight. I’ve been on several of these and, although they’re never ‘fun’, there is a way to get through them a little easier if you prepare a little.

Everyone has different preferences in terms of what to pack for long flights, especially overnight ones, but I’ve found that the items I’ve included in this post is what I tend to like to pack. This last flight taught me to wear what you want to sleep in on the plane! I usually do this but, because I had been out and about in Dallas all day on Sunday, I just ended up wearing my jeans and long sleeve top when I boarded my flight to London. I honestly didn’t think anything of it because I figured I would just change when I was ready to sleep. Well … I had a middle seat sooo … four hours after the flight took off, I felt horrible waking the person next to me up to let me get out, go to the bathroom and change into my ‘in flight sleep clothes’, per se, which was just leggings and an oversized, long sleeve top. SO … definitely wear your comfy clothes when you board no matter what. I usually opt for leggings, comfortable sneakers, and a big oversized top that is appropriate to wear in public. Plus, it’s less to pack in your carry on!

Speaking of your carry on … I can talk through a couple things although everything I linked up there is pretty self explanatory. I use a passport cover to make it easy to identify and grab out of my tote, but always have it out of the case when you’re going through customs or airport security. When you’re traveling solo, you never know if you’re going to be sitting next to someone who HAS to have the air blasting so I always bring my cashmere scarf wrap to stay warm.

I don’t try and look super pretty when I travel internationally because, let’s be real … it’s a long flight, then you have to go through customs, grab your bags then figure out the public transit situation to get to wherever you’re staying. I usually walk really fast to customs after my flight, get through the line then, before picking up my suitcase, I find a bathroom and take the time to wash my face, brush my teeth, put deodorant on, as well as my favorite lip moisturizer and then I feel good to go! You have your whole trip to look pretty. Use this day to let yourself be “no fuss” and your face breathe.

But … if you insist on carrying some beauty products with you, here are some good travel size ones:

I would highly suggest bringing a small cosmetic case so you don’t have your small travel-size products spilled out all over the bottom of your tote. It’s important to stay as organized as possible when you’re traveling. In the long run, it’ll keep you feeling less anxious about being in a place you’re unfamiliar with. I typically have all my small items in plastic bag’s for airport security purposes but still stow them in the small cosmetic cases and then, when I’m at my destination, take them out of the baggies.

Aside from packing the right things in your bag, it’s important to keep in mind that, during your flight, you’re breathing in recycled air and there is less oxygen in an airplane cabin than your body is used to. I would encourage you to get up and walk around the cabin, when it’s safe, to keep your blood circulating.  Also, be sure to opt for water over carbonated soda or alcohol. You tend to become more dehydrated when you travel. I would be buy a large water before boarding and try and drink the entire thing before you land at your destination … then buy another one to drink during the day. Another important thing to do take note of what time it is at your destination and make yourself treat your current time as that destination time. So, if you’re going to London and it’s currently 10:00pm there when you take off … you should make yourself sleep right when you take off for as long as you can so that your jet lag won’t be as bad when you get there! [I did not do this and regretted it BIG time!] If you didn’t get much sleep, I’d suggest these amazing eye gels. They help you look a little more awake by supplying that area with some much-needed moisture. I typically put them on right after they distribute breakfast in the morning and take them off after about 20-30 minutes.

I’m currently writing this all from my little flat in Verona, Italy. It’s time for me to go out and explore! Follow along on Snapchat! I will be updating it as I go [as much as I can; not sure what the WiFi situation will be like!]. I hope this post was helpful! Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions on what else to share from my travels! Would love to hear what you want to see 🙂 Thanks for stopping by today! Appreciate it so much! xo.

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