I’ve started doing monthly ‘favorites’ post but I felt a little under the weather towards the end of my Bermuda trip and have been trying to let myself rest a little bit since I’ve been back. I decided to scrap the dedicated March favorites post and just incorporate it into the Friday Five! My hope is that that post will be back next month! 🙂
[1] FAVORITE SONG: I have been listening to a remix of an old song called ‘Return of the Mack’. It’s by Mark Morrison and the remix is the C&J Street Mix. You can listen to it HERE. It kind of takes me back to middle school, which wasn’t a shining time in my life but, I think I like it so much because that realization is fleeting. It’s almost like a new song to me. It is so fun to sing along to and motivates me to get stuff done!
[2] FAVORITE BLOG POST ON S&T: Honestly, this month came with a few hiccups that stood in the way of your regularly scheduled programming here on S&T. I didn’t get as many outfit posts on the blog but I feel really good about a lot of the other blog posts that made it to you, like the 5 Must-Have’s in my Handbag and my favorite Spring Things Under $100. I think my favorite was my Spring Beauty Buy Review! I liked how the photos turned out and just really like sharing my thoughts on things other than clothes! 🙂
I will say … because it was SUCH a labor of love and took quite some time … the Blogging FAQ post was a VERY, VERY close second favorite!
[3] FAVORITE INSTAGRAM POST: Take me back to Bermuda, on this beach, under the sun heading out to lounge in this hammock! Can’t wait to share the final images from the trip with you all next week!
[4] FAVORITE EXPERIENCE: Without a doubt, my favorite experience of the month was traveling over to Bermuda for a few days with one of Sequins & Things’ photographers and my friend, Kaylee Labor. She just transferred all the photos she took and edited to me this morning and I cannot, cannot, CANNOT wait to share them with you! Here is a small sneak peek at just how beautiful Bermuda is:
Stay tuned!
[5] FAVORITE MARCH PURCHASE: Before Kaylee and I set off for Bermuda, I decided that I wanted to try to put together a small video blog about our trip so I did some research on some camera’s you guys suggested I try out on Snapchat! I ended up purchasing the Sony a5100 16mm-50mm Mirrorless Digital Camera and y’all … I LOVED IT! It’s such a great little lightweight camera! I highly recommend it for travel!

Here’s a little peak at a few things you may be seeing pop up in posts or on social media! This mirror is on sale and I have been eyeing it for awhile because it fits in the empty space between my bathroom and closet perfectly! It will lean against the wall and reflect the light coming in from the window across from it so I’m really, really excited that I finally got to snag it!
When my mom was alive, she told me that Provence, France was one of her favorite travel destinations she had ever been to. She said it was quaint and beautiful, and you literally feel like you’re walking around in a storybook. I want to go during lavender season because they are known for all the lavender fields that are present just outside of the city. Victoria … you up for it!? 😉
I had a couple of friends in college who studied abroad in Valencia and their pictures blew me away! It looks absolutely gorgeous! It’s on the Western coast of Spain, not a far trek from Barcelona. I’ve never been to either and I have a few cities in Portugal I want to explore so I think a big trip going all over Spain and Portugal would be an absolute dream! Has anyone ever done that? When is the best time of year to go?
So, this colorful little island has been on my travel lust list for YEARS now. I saw it on Pinterest and absolutely fell in love with it. It’s not far from Venice and I just HAVE TO get there one day!
This water is just to-die-for, isn’t it? I found out about this place through Eleni from Convey the Moment. She lives in nearby Calgary and she went there with her husband on a small getaway. I want to go there so badly but just haven’t pulled the trigger just yet! Maybe sometime this Fall? I feel like that would be a perfect time to go!
I feel like this is the kind of place that is just breathtaking and quiet and makes you just in awe of the wonder of God. I’d love to go on a bike ride around the area and maybe even camp out there … if that’s a thing in Moab. Maybe it’s dangerous to do that … I’m not sure but I’d love to make it there one day! I think I may save this trip for my future husband and I. I feel like it’s an outdoorsy place that whoever he is would like and enjoy, as well 🙂
[1] TRAVEL AGENDA: In a couple of weeks, I am jet-setting for 2 1/2 weeks and I cannot wait! After returning from London in December, it was really important to me to stay put for a substantial amount of time, allow myself to process the experience, get readjusted to life here in Jacksonville Beach, get myself organized, check a million things off the back-end-of-the-blog to-do list and just spend quality time with the Fish-man, and now Chips. As much as I love to travel, I just needed that down time after being in a different country for that long.
However, one of the things I want to continue to do and incorporate into the blog is how amazing travel is and how it can enrich your life in ways you could never imagine until you make yourself get out there! So, in January/February, I got the ball rolling on a trip Victoria and I said we wanted to take together when I was living in London. It’s taken a lot of work being that we are in completely different time zones but we are booked and ready for a 6-city trip. I’m going to keep most of those cities a secret until we actually in them but, I will say … a couple of the cities we are going to are cities I went to last year, like Florence. I was only in Florence for a day, and I felt like that wasn’t enough time for me to gain enough knowledge and recommendations to share with you guys in a travel guide. There were so many of you who asked me for one after my trip last year so, in order to finally put one together for you guys, we are stopping in Florence for a few days on this trip! Okay … that’s the only city I’m sharing but I seriously can’t wait to share the rest!!
[2] LONDON RETURN: So, the trip I was just talking about is starting in London. I arrive the morning of April 14th and am SO excited to be back. I could have just met Victoria in the first city but the time change won’t affect her as much as it will affect me and … I don’t handle jet lag well … so I decided to just go to London first and get adjusted to the time and meander the city for a few days. It looks like the city is blooming, so I cannot wait to walk around and go to some of my favorite places!
[3] LULULEMON COLLABORATION: I’ve been wanting to give y’all an update on my fitness journey, but felt like doing it quarterly would probably make a little more sense than doing it monthly. I told myself that I probably needed to do that before this big trip I’m going on and then I received an email about being a part of a campaign with lululemon, a company I’ve loved and supported for YEARS now! [I really shouldn’t share how many pairs of Run Times Shorts and Wunder Unders I have.] So, I’m really really excited when things come together like that! I’ll be working on that next week and will likely have it up the week after!
[4] COUCH DELIVERY: I would consider myself a pretty impulsive buyer of most things, except furniture! I mulled over what couch to buy after Kristan moved out for WEEKS and I finally decided on one I kept going back to over and over again from Anthropologie. The only bummer was [well, the price-tag and] how long it was going to take to ship. I think I ordered it at the end of January and it said it wouldn’t ship until April 17th. I received a phone call on Wednesday of this week from the delivery company saying they are likely going to deliver it before April 10th so I am really, really excited that the time is finally NEAR! Now I need to make a decision on a rug …
[5] NEW JOURNEY: On Snapchat on Wednesday night, I alluded to the fact that I’m going to be doing something soon that I didn’t wasn’t really expecting to do. It’s not anything that’s weird for someone my age but I definitely had put it on my ‘maybe this time next year’ list. However, some recent developments have made me move the timeline up to … now! It’s going to be a process and there’s nothing to announce right now. Nothing has really happened yet. I just had an initial meeting with a professional and my parents to establish a relationship and get the ball rolling. I have a lot of feelings about it and, when I’m ready, I’ll share more about what this journey is all about! Stay tuned! 🙂
[1] FRILLS: I’ve always LOVED frills and they are EVERYWHERE right now. I am so happy! Here are some of my favorites:

[2] DISTRESSED BOYFRIEND DENIM: These are the best option when you’re looking to be cute but just not really wanting to put a TON of effort into your outfit. I recently fell in love with this pair that I totally shouldn’t have splurged on because last week I found THIS pair that is SO similar for under $100. These are more 90’s inspired with the thicker denim with a higher waist. I wasn’t sure about them at first but now I’m starting to love them! Here are some others that I’m swooning over:

[3] JOGGERS: Y’all know I love to be comfortable and joggers are one of the most comfortable things to throw on to run a few errands. I also may wear joggers on my travel days when I’m abroad in a couple of weeks! Here are a few I’ve found that are super cute:

[4] ROMANTIC DRESSES: I can’t get enough of easy, flowy dresses and there are so many out there right now! I am currently shopping for that two-week trip I mentioned and, let’s just say … y’all are going to see me wearing a lot of dresses with lightweight jackets!

[5] BOWS ON TOES: The other day I shared this photo of these adorable pink slides with a huge bow on each one. They’re definitely a statement shoe and so fun for Spring! Bows on toes is a definite trend this season. Take a look at all of these I found on just ONE website:

Alright! That wraps up this month’s edition of The Friday Five! Hope y’all liked it! More from Bermuda coming up next week along with some more Spring content! 🙂 xo.