My Christmas Holiday Home Decor Reveal

Hey there, friends! Merry Christmas Eve!

This post could not be more tardy considering we are about to say goodbye to the Christmas season. Your homes are already decorated and a lot of the items you see her might be sold out, however, I did spend a lot of time scouring multiple stores around town and online to get my home decked out for the holidays and I want to be able to look back on it years from now. I figured that, even if it doesn’t help you decorate this year … it could be some good inspiration for you all in the years to come! 🙂

I’m only sharing my living room and kitchen area as I feel they are the most festive! Enjoy!

When I was thinking about what kind of theme I wanted my home to have, I wanted it to be a cross between cozy and glam. These are obviously very different aesthetics so I was nervous about how I would make it work. I wanted it to be more cozy than glam so I found a good balance by keeping the gold touches to a minimum and offering a variety of textures among the textiles throughout. This white antique finished mirror is one of my favorite home decor purchases of 2017 and it is ALWAYS discounted to some degree on Horchow’s website! Personally, I like it leaning against the wall but you can hang it, if that’s more your style. It looks cream on the website but it is actually white.

This is essentially my entire living room. It’s pretty small, which I like, personally. I had my TV mounted on the wall and I think it might be too high but, the decorations fill in the gap quite nicely. The gray chair in the photo prior to this one is usually where the Christmas tree is, which is why it looks kind of crammed back there.

This is the wall behind my couch and the top of my bar cabinet. I love rosé and I think it’s always smart to have a few on hand [okay, maybe more than a few in my case] in case you decide to have an impromptu get together! It was also really important for me to pay homage to the real reason for the season through the artwork on the walls. The gold star, picture frames and ‘O Holy Night’ piece of art are all from Hobby Lobby. My dear friend, Stephanie Sterjovski, owns a little print shop, called SS Print Shop, and she sent me the “Let Love Guide Your Life” print in the middle, which I think is so important to remember this day and age!

I shared my place settings in my last home decor reveal and made them a little more appropriate for Christmas. How cute are these snowflake napkin holders? Love them so much!

Since I work from home, I think it’s important to promote a feeling of comfort and relaxation through my home decor so that I can easy unplug and recharge at the end of the day when I finally retreat from my office. I did this by mixing different tones and textures throughout the space. I love the cool gray and white with pops of gold and pink. Those colors, to me, are calming.

This bar cabinet fits perfectly on the wall behind my couch and allows for some much-needed additional storage. It’s a beautiful, well-made piece that adds a little bit of vintage glam to the room.

It might seem a little odd to have an iPad on my TV console but I like to listen to podcasts during my lunch and music when I’m cleaning so it’s pretty handy to have it propped up there, ready to go! The iPad stand is stunning and a fun little glam piece.

This might be my favorite little area! Normally the walkway is a little wider because the chair isn’t normally there [the Christmas tree took the chairs’ place and I have nowhere to store the chair but here hah!] but I kind of like it!

 That about covers it! All of the details should be in the product section below but if I did happen to miss something you’re curious about, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I will get back to you after the holiday festivities settle down!

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo.

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