How To Organize Your Kitchen Pantry

kitchen pantry organization

Hi Alyson Haley friends! I’m Katey, one of Haley’s girlfriends, and I’m thrilled to e-meet you all! Haley and I have been friends for 7 years and if there is one thing that girl is, it is loyal. It doesn’t matter if she is halfway across the world, if you need her she answers, and if you really need her she flies to you. I don’t think I know another person that loyal to their friends, but y’all know that about her by now! Haley *lives* for her people and you all are a huge part of the people she loves in life. I’m quite honored to be a small part of that today!

I blog over at Chronicles of Frivolity, where I share my life in Texas as I navigate motherhood, marriage, work, and balancing everything in between. I stay home with my daughter while I blog, as that has been my full-time job for the past 4 years. COF is all about trying to help make your life easier. From schedules to purse organization, I try to make the frivolous things in life feel a little more fruitful when it comes to simplifying stress in your life. Feel free to follow me on Instagram here or sign up for my newsletters here!

So what are we chatting about today? The pantry. Oh….the pantry. Our treasure box of Oreos, cereals, crumbs, extra boxes and everything else messy! It’s also my daughter’s FAVORITE place to sneak into, I’ve got to keep it neat so she can’t destroy it all.

kitchen pantry organization

I always knew I loved organization, but it wasn’t until I worked from home that I understood how much I required it to function. I’ve worked from home for the past 4 years, add in a baby and if my space is messy, I’m completely unproductive. Studies show that organization can ultimately allow us to lead healthier lives both mentally and physically. I can definitely get overwhelmed, so I find that little tricks like making my bed each morning, religiously organizing my beauty products, and keeping a tidy kitchen keep stress at bay.

In our last home, I make an organizational goof in our pantry. The space was quite small, so I thought that if I organized it in a manner that would make Monica Gellar envious, we would be golden. The result? It ended up not even being functional! I think that’s the trick to being Goldilocks organized. If you are “too” organized, space cannot be livable. If you aren’t organized enough, your space can feel stressful. You’ve got to get it “just right.”

With our kitchen, I had immaculate jars labeled to perfection. I got a lot of joy looking at the little space, but then I’d come home from Kroger and think, “Um…where do I put everything?”

I ended up stacking things on top of mason jars and hiding cereal boxes in the cabinets. It was a joke! So as we moved into this home with an l-shaped pantry, I decided to live in the space for a few months and then tackle the clutter. I made notes in my phone on what really stood out to me.

  • I learned that I needed bins on the floor with grab & go snacks. Maxi can crawl in, grab a bag of Annie’s crackers and bring them to me to tell me she is hungry.
  • I learned that if I keep Diet Coke in the pantry as opposed to the fridge, I seldom reach for it. *But* I do want to keep it on hand for when girlfriends come over! If it’s just cold in the fridge, I’ll drink one daily.
  • I needed my kitchen appliances in the pantry because I found them easier to grab off a shelf as opposed to moving things around in bottom cabinets.
  • Maxi loves smoothies and I love crockpot recipes, so I knew whatever I did I needed room to stockpile almond milk and broths!
  • I found a clear lazy susan was key to organize my oils and bottles of vinegar.
  • Because Paul and I are protein-bar obsessed, we needed separate jars so we don’t steal one another’s. i.e, he can’t steal mine because I don’t like his.
  • I wanted baskets that were easy to sort like salty snacks or sweet snacks. If Paul is able to help put up groceries, I wanted it to be simple for him.

I took all those notes and combined them with my past frustrations in the old pantry. I didn’t want anything “too stiff.” Naturally, I also wanted the space to be cute. I’m home all day and like my home to be my little happy space. I decided to take my love for MacKenzie-Childs and combine it with baskets and other bins. Then, I added in modern touches like lazy susans and risers for spices and canned goods. In one arm I placed hosting pieces and then the items we reach for daily! From snacks to pasta to Maxi’s oatmeal, we have everything we live off of in this one nook. On the other arm, I used items we use a few times a week along with spices, cooking liquids, and dry goods.

kitchen pantry organization

kitchen pantry organizationFIRST ARM


Shelf #1: Wine, champagne, serving tray

Shelf #2: Courtly Check Kitchen Canisters to hold snacks for Maxi {large, medium}, Courtly Check Enamel Canisters to hold his & her protein bars

Shelf #3: Left basket for salty snacks, right basket for sweet snacks

Shelf #4: Champagne Bucket, Pitcher, Basket

Floor: Left basket for single-serving snacks, right basket for unopened snacks. When the baskets from shelf #3 get empty, we pull from this basket.

kitchen pantry organizationkitchen pantry organization


Shelf #1: Paper products & placemats

Shelf #2: Risers for canned food, clear lazy susan for pasta sauces, clear lazy susan for bottles of vinegar, clear lazy susan for oils.

Shelf #3: Baskets for protein powder, pasta, nuts. Basket labels here.

Shelf #4: Baskets for towels, Maxi foods, and breakfast foods

kitchen pantry organizationSECOND ARM


Shelf #1: Left basket for table topper placemats, middle basket for lunch boxes, right basket for plasticware {these baskets are old from Target, couldn’t find exact}.

Shelf #2: Cookie jar for coffee pods, Goop Glow, and almond butter packets. Clear bin for almond milk and cooking broth.

Shelf #3: Teas, baking needs, dry goods in round jars.

Shelf #4: Kitchen appliances

kitchen pantry organization


Shelf #1: Tray of Diet Coke

Shelf #2: Clear lazy susan for baking sweeteners, spices on riser.

Shelf #3: Kitchen appliances

Shelf #4: Kitchen appliances

kitchen pantry organization

So there you have it! I hope this post has given you a little inspiration to sort out your pantry this weekend and make it Goldilocks organized for you! Are you a girl that keeps clutter at bay or do you go-with-the-flow when it comes to organization? You can see more of my organization posts here!



kitchen pantry organization

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