Hi, ladies! Happy Friday! How is everyone doing? I know it’s been a crazy week around here trying to finish up gift guides before shipping dates get too tight. How is it already the middle of December?! Time is absolutely flying! We are hosting Christmas for John’s family this year so I feel like the to do list is extra long as we want it to be enjoyable for everyone! My hope is to share how I’m prepping for the big day with you guys over on stories as I’ll ‘off’ of shooting and blog prep and emails! I can’t wait! I think making a hot cocoa stand will be part of the fun so be sure to tune in next week!
Being that I’m pregnant, I have a new awareness for some gift ideas that I’ve never had before for those in your life who may be expecting in 2021. So, today’s gift guide is all about the Mom-to-be and the new Momma! As someone who just joined this club, this was a fun group of gifts to round up and I hope it’s helpful. It can be tricky shopping for an expecting or new Momma, but the goal here was to make that a bit easier. Enjoy!
I wanted to be sure to include a few practical things and thought this diaper backpack ticked that box. I haven’t quite decided what my diaper bag situation will be because I’m also really intrigued by this insert that you can put in any tote. I’ve gotten it for a few girlfriends in years past and they absolutely loved it. Either option seems great to me, it just depends on what the preference might be for who you’re shopping for!
You’ll also find a few very essential TLC items like lactation cookies and Mother’s Milk tea. I think it would be really fun to create a little care basket filled with some of these items. Maybe grab a few other friends and / or family members to chip in for everything! I know I’d shed a tear or two. It would be such a thoughtful gift and a way to feel taken care of when, I won’t lie, this stage of life feels really overwhelming with all their is to research and buy for different situations you may / may not encounter, your body may / likely will go through, and you’ll need for baby.

If you’re a Momma, how did I do curating these items? Hopefully good, ha! Now it’s your turn! Leave gift suggestions I may have missed in the comments below to help everyone out!
Alright, that’s it for me today! I have one more gift guide coming Monday morning featuring lots of fun stocking stuffers under $25, so stay tuned for that and thanks for stopping by! xo.