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10 Easy Sustainable Swaps to Consider

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I thought it was time to mix things up a bit and give you something other than baby content, lol. Obviously that’s a big part of my life now, but there are lots of topics I love to talk and share about here – sustainability being one of them! I’m by no means perfect when it comes to being sustainable or eco-friendly but I do try to consider the environmental impact of my actions and single-use plastic is one area I’ve been working really hard on the last year or so.

Since I not only feel passionate about this topic and do think everyone in the world plays a part, I want to continue to share easy ways to consume less plastic in your own life. I’d love to hear any ways you consume less single-use plastic or work to incorporate sustainability! To start the conversation, here are 10 easy sustainable swaps to consider.

So many of these items you won’t even miss from swapping out like ditching plastic water bottles and using a stainless steel one instead! Or investing in some reusable grocery bags vs the plastic ones given to you at the store. Another swap I didn’t even think about for the longest time was switching out traditional pads and tampons for the Diva cup. I know this method isn’t for everyone, but it’s worth giving it a go!

So many quick and easy swaps! Let me know any other ideas you have for using less plastic in general. I’d love to be even better! xo.

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