Our Family Is Moving To …

Hi friend! At this point, sharing that we are moving should not surprise you. Since I moved to the UK in 2020, we have seriously moved so.many.times … four times in four years to be exact. This has mostly been a matter of circumstance and not because we really enjoy uprooting ourselves all the time. We actually are really craving the opposite but, sometimes, you just have to roll with what you’re being thrown or where you’re being pulled.

Over the last year, since moving into our current home in Windsor — which was kind of done on a complete whim but I won’t get into that — I’ve mentioned that this was not going to be a long-term place for us. We really liked it and it kept us in the main ‘Golden Triangle’ of Windsor, which we had built our life in for two years prior, but we had started to feel pulled in an unexpected direction!

We actually started considering a move somewhere that I never, ever thought I’d consider again. And when I say, I considered it … I did while also kicking and screaming.

So, to keep from delaying the news any longer, we ultimately decided to go for it, even if also ends up being for a small chapter.


There are so many things I am looking for to when it comes to this move and also an extortionate amount of things that I’ll miss about leaving my beloved England. There’s so much more to say but, we are actually on a little mini-holiday before our big move, so I am going to go enjoy the sunshine and keep today’s post brief!

But, if y’all have questions, feel free to leave them below. There’ll also be a box on my IG stories you can submit your questions into if you prefer that. I’ll be sharing the answers to all your most asked questions in the last podcast episode of Season One of Consciously Curious [also HERE if you prefer to listen on Spotify, like I do] next Sunday, September 15th. If my podcast team can turn it around any quicker, I’ll be sure to get it out to you sooner! Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter if you want to be the first to know when it’s up! Thanks for stopping by today, friend! Chat soon xo.

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