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Hi friend! At this point, sharing that we are moving should not surprise you. Since I moved to the UK in 2020, we have seriously moved so.many.times … four times...
Hello, friends! I am so excited you have decided to join me today to hear more about our recent engagement! In case you missed it, I shared on Sunday that...
Hey there, friends! Gosh it feels so nice to be back … looking at a blank blog post draft. This has always been one of my safest and happiest places...
I'm sharing a roundup of what I've been loving lately. Plus I'm also sharing some big news I've been keeping a secret all week.
Hey there, friends! Okay, here we are … I’m finally giving y’all the scoop! Sorry I’ve been actively evading your interest in what is next for us. It’s only because...
You guys are probably as shocked as I am about the fact that you’re reading [and I’m writing] a post about being pregnant but … alas, here we are! Guys...
I'm so excited to finally share that I got my U.K. visa and I'll be moving to London very, very soon! Today, I'm sharing some behind the scenes!