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Search Results for: friday five

Hey friends, happy Friday, and welcome back to the Friday Five! It’s been several months since I’ve put out a Friday Five post so I’m excited to get them started...
Happy Friday and welcome to December’s Friday Five, friends! We’re officially one week out until Christmas so it only felt right to incorporate a bit of the holiday spirit into...
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope the week was good to you and you’re staying safe and healthy wherever you are! It’s time for another edition of Friday Five, and I...
Hey friends, happy Friday! Hope your week has been good to you. As you might have seen on Instagram, John and I have escaped the city for a weekend in...
Hey y’all, happy Friday! This week absolutely flew by around here. Anyone else? I apologize for how long this month’s Friday Five has taken, but with the pregnancy announcement and...
Hi friends! Thanks for your patience in me getting this out to you. Obviously, cuddling with the boys took precedence last week and then I realized I only had a...
Hey there, happy Friday! You might have noticed [or maybe not, ha!] that I didn’t ask the community for Friday Five categories this week since some of my time was...
Hey y’all, happy Friday! I know Fridays don’t have the same ring as they did pre-Covid, but I hope that you’re still enjoying your weekends. There’s something about the slower-paced...
Hey y’all, how’s everyone doing? I’ve actually had a pretty good week, albeit the cabin fever is real 🙂 I hope you guys are hanging in there! I had one...
Hi friends! Welcome to another Friday Five [check out last month’s if you missed it HERE]! This one is going to be centered around London categories, per your request, and...