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Friday Five | September 2020

Hey y’all, happy Friday! This week absolutely flew by around here. Anyone else?

I apologize for how long this month’s Friday Five has taken, but with the pregnancy announcement and everything else going on, I wanted to make sure I could dedicate the time needed to make this post worthwhile. With that, I’m covering Fall accessories, what I’m excited this Fall, popular shoes for Fall, and a couple other fun subjects! Hope you enjoy the read!

5 Fall Accessories Under $50

You know I’m always game to talk accessories so I’ll cover this one quickly first! This is an area that you can absolutely save on and have fun trying out trends on a budget. I’m including a few fashion accessories below and the beauty accessory that I always turn to for fall.

Plaid or Checked Scarf

I’d say a scarf in general, but in my opinion, a plaid one is quintessential Fall style. If you go with something warm-hued, like this plaid scarf, it pairs nicely with cognac, black, cream, and other colors that tend to be worn more frequently in the fall. For the record, I’m also loving plaid skirts and mini dresses this season!

Wide Belts for Midi Skirts

If you caught my recent post on 6 Autumn Trends I’m Embracing, you’ve likely already seen my suggestion of a midi skirt + belt. After seeing this $20 gorgeous black wide belt, though, I wanted to call it out specifically here. I love the updated wider belts with a midi skirt to give a flattering look to the waste and it’s very modern meets ladylike 🙂

Bucket Bags

I’m very into bucket bags right now so this is a must for this category! Here’s my pick for this price point. It looks much more expensive than $50, right?

A Bold Lip

This time of year always encourages me to embrace a bold lip and this year’s favorite is Rimmel’s ‘Fire Starter’.

Fiddler’s Caps

Pretty sure this style of hat has been on my list for a few years now … but what can I say? It’s a classic! It’s also very London which is probably why I’ve always been drawn to it. I’m crushing on this $45 one in particular, which comes in several fall-friendly shades.

5 Things I’m Looking Forward to This Fall

GETAWAY TO THE COTSWOLDS: From what I’ve seen on Pinterest and on Instagram, it looks like a real life story book! I have truly missed exploring new-to-me places and, for this reason, I truly think it will just fill me cup right up! John has been working extra hard and I’ve been really hard on myself lately so I think it’ll do us both some good to just getaway and check out for a bit. John’s parents are so kind and have offered to come stay at ours with the boys so we can have a little ‘us’ time.

GENDER REVEAL: You guys!! I literally handed the paper with the bloodwork results to a friend who will be organizing our little gender reveal. I’m not going to share many details about it just in case things change or it takes me awhile to get the word out to all of our nearest and dearest but, it is almost time for us to find out and I cannot freaking WAIT! We already have our girl name picked out and we’re about 98% positive it’s what we’ll go with. Boys names are a little more difficult for us but we have two that we really really like and are still throwing out new ones to consider.

20 WEEK ULTRASOUND: We have our 20-week ultrasound toward the end of October and I’m really, really hopeful John can come with me by then. I’ll be halfway through and it’ll be so nice to see him or her again and to hear how things are developing.

WORK DATES: Something I have been really struggling with lately is working from home. I thought it was going to be a breeze to be encouraged to stay at home as much as possible because I am such a homebody but I forgot how often I went to coffee shops when I was living in Florida. It’s what helped me sit and focus and tackle my computer work. Victoria was saying how she’s been struggling with the same thing so we, along with Whitney when she’s done quarantining in the countryside, are going to start planning weekly work dates so we can get ourselves out of the house. We all work for ourselves and are really good friends so it’ll be nice to have a little crew to sit and work with and catch up with in between focus sessions, ha!

SEEING LEAVES CHANGE IN MY DAY-TO-DAY LIFE: This may seem silly to some but it is truly starting to feel like Fall here. It is so chilly today and I just can’t wait to go on daily walks and start seeing the leaves change. This weather and the changing of the leaves just brings me so much joy. I love it!

5 Fall Shoes You’ll Be Seeing On Rotation

Thank you to whoever submitted this question because it gave me a chance to research fall shoes, which is always a perk of the job 🙂 I did cover a boot style that’s trending here in this post, but I’m excited to go more in-depth into fall shoes here. Keep in mind that I’m answering this one in a very practical way. While, of course, there are other trends that you’ll be seeing, as for what I’m wearing, here are 5 practical options.


Let’s start off with the style of shoe I plan on wearing the most this season … or what I’ve been gravitating toward the most lately: sneakers. Now that we’re closer to London and I’m walking often, and sometimes several miles … not to mention, I’m pregnant, sneakers are key. I’ve been living in this pair for the past few months [incredibly comfy!] and just snagged these as well. I still love my Golden Goose pairs, too, and would recommend those if you’re looking for a statement or trendy pair.


A fall staple, for sure! Whenever I want to slightly elevate an outfit, you’ll find me in booties. In particular, I’ve lived in this investment pair over the years and have literally run them into the ground as they go with everything. If you’re looking for something more affordable, I adore this pair [under $200] that comes in several classic colors.

Over-the-Knee Boots

I truly hope this style of boot never goes out of style because I’ve spent the last few years building this part of my Fall and Winter wardrobe. Stuart Weitzman is a brand I’ve always felt comfortable investing in. They don’t have has many new styles and colors available this year [maybe we’re completely shifting out of this boot style as a trend] but I do have and love this OTK style in a beautiful chestnut color that they have available again. You can always also get look-a-like pairs in three different colors at Goodnight Macaroon!

Combat Boots

I’m especially excited about the timing of this trend as I’ll need something flat as I get further into my pregnancy. I love that this style will help me maintain a sense of style all while feeling comfortable as possible in my body. I snagged this feminine pair earlier this month and LOVE!


Okay so this one isn’t as exciting but it’s 2020 and I told you I was being practical! And I mean, what’s fall and winter without a pair of house shoes? I live in a style similar to these $20 slippers at home.

5 of My Favorite Things About Living in the UK So Far

buckingham palace, london

my life is finally blooming

I’ve never really agreed with the saying ‘bloom where you’re planted’. I think you can try and try and try to make a place work for you through saying ‘yes’ to all the plans thrown your way or keeping a positive attitude when life somewhere gets hard or isn’t going your way. After years of living in Jacksonville, where I’m from but not necessarily where my life after college necessarily ‘bloomed’, I finally feel like I’m blooming in the soil that is right for me. There are places you are just meant for just like there are seeds that are meant for certain types of soil and the UK is just where I was meant to see my life bloom. It did in small ways in 2016 and it is in some of the biggest ways now. I always knew it because of this gut feeling I always had [if you’ve been here for that long you have heard about all of this before] but, looking back and seeing how my life is unfolded in London, specifically, I almost get overwhelmed at how ‘meant for me’ this place is. I’m so happy to finally be embarking all of ‘the best’ parts of life I have been waiting for and looking forward to for so long.

spending so much time with john

We knew that we couldn’t wait to be in the same place but we didn’t quite realize that Covid was going to change our lives at the very same time. This year has definitely challenged us all in different and unique ways and we are no exception to that. I’m thankful for those because they have helped us not live in la-la-land and in this blissful honeymoon stage that isn’t quite reality. We definitely still experience that in some ways but, after spending THIS MUCH time together … honestly, the fact that we still not only love but LIKE each other after all of the time that we have spent together is a true testament to the strength of our relationship. While it’s had it’s share of strength-building challenges, I also think it has been tons of fun and makes me even more confident and excited about our life together.

having a community

After college, my multiple groups of friends all kind of dispersed throughout the country. I no longer really felt like I had a strong sense of community that I could turn to. I had individual friends here and there and would touch base with those communities intermittently. I think that’s pretty much life but, as I was saying earlier, I never really felt like my life in Jacksonville after college really evolved or bloomed into something that made me feel like it was ‘home’. I mean, it was home but, in some ways, it didn’t feel like it. Even when I was going to church a lot and meeting so many wonderful people, I never really found a community of people that I felt connected to. It’s been something that I’ve been hopeful to find as the years have gone on but, year after year, have felt a little hopeless about, as well.

In London, it feels quite the opposite. I have some of my nearest and dearest here and it feels really nice to always be in talks with multiple people about what ‘we’ are going to do – sometimes as a group [safely] and sometimes as couples or just as individuals. I didn’t realize how much I missed that. It’s been years since I’ve talked to people who live in the same city as me and planned a weekend away or talked about what we’re going to do as a group in a few weeks’ time or next year or whatever. I have really missed that connection and it feels really nice to have a community again.

travel plans

Travel is a bit of a divisive topic in 2020. I haven’t been against traveling as I know that if you’re vigilant and make a concerted effort, you can do so carefully. I’ve really wanted to go back to the States for a variety of reasons but, due to personal life circumstances, it just hasn’t made sense and probably won’t make sense for another year, which feels extremely weird. However, there’s a beautiful country at my finger tips that I intend to start exploring a lot more of now that I get to call it my home. Between lockdown, moving house and a trying first-trimester, I finally feel up for making some plans. We are looking forward to going away for a little baby moon around the holidays [location TBD] and it’s been on my lust list to travel up to the Cotswolds during the height of the Autumnal season. I’m really excited to pack a bag again and go on road trips. These are all things I never realized were such a luxury and privilege and I hope to never take it for granted again.

this little nugget i’m growing

This has been a strange year to finally move to my dream city and I feel like all of the changes have been like trying to drink out of a firehose. However, this time has given me some of what will likely be life’s greatest blessings. While I was terrified and in shock when I first found out I was pregnant, who knows what my journey to motherhood would look like had I not gotten my visa just before lockdown. Who knows when I would have been able to move and how our story would have unfolded. It would likely still have been beautiful but, even when life diverts the course you thought it would take, you have to believe that it’s FOR THE BEST. I had to retake a class in nursing school and, at the time, I thought it was the worst thing in the world. I was embarrassed. I thought my life was over. Due to that diversion, I met a friend whose husband ended up being the first photographer for this blog and his talent really helped elevate this blog. I am confident it allowed it to grow as quickly as it did back then. I remembered this when I was really struggling to wrap my mind around becoming a ‘mummy’ in a matter of months and it comforted me to know that one day I will look back on this time and be grateful for it. It also reminded me that it’s important to be grateful IN the moment, as well. It may feel scary AND it’s likely going to be one of life’s greatest blessings so I think all of these life changes and what I’m learning is one of my favorite things about life in the UK so far. It might not be what you would have expected but guys … remember, it’s a weird year and I haven’t really done much outside of my home in the last seven months, hah!

5 Easy Fall Home Decor Updates

I actually did a full post on Fall home decor yesterday so head there if you want the full scoop. As for specific updates, though, I’m happy to share my thoughts here…


You can hang them on the door [a more obvious choice], over a mantle, or even in place of art on a wall to bring in the feel of fall. I also adore seeing fall wreaths in yards or on sheds this time of year [instead of just holiday ones come Christmas time]. I’m especially into this rust-colored eucaplytus wreath for a more natural feel.

Pops of Colors + Textures

Even if you aren’t into certain fall decorations, I find that bringing in warmer, cozier textures can change up the feel of your space. And as for those of you who like to bring in both pops of fall colors and textures [like me!], I suggest something like this throw pillow or rust-colored chunky knit blanket.

Wood Accents

Similar to bringing in textures, I appreciate certain finishes, like wood, this time of year. It’s like bringing in the outdoors without feeling too over-the-top and it warms up the home. John and I are both fans of this round tray for a coffee table or this wood server.

Scented Candles

Ahhhh one of my favorite parts of the season! Specific fall-scented candles can be so nostalgic for me and I count down the days until I can start lighting them. Of course, scents are a very personal thing, but I always have this pumpkin brittle candle and this gorgeous autumn sage candle going in our flat.

Cute Door Mat

COVID-permitting, I love this warm welcome for guests … or delivery people 🙂 Honestly, ETSY has a ton of adorable options if you want to look around.

Thanks, as always, for taking the time to read this post and participate in this series. It’s one of my favorites and I hope you enjoy it as well! Have a great weekend. xo.

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