September 2017 Favorites

september favorites, monthly favorites, sequins and things, sequins & things, alyson haley

Hey there!

It’s been a minute since I’ve done a monthly favorites post! They’re always a fun way of looking back at the month and, at the end, I’ll share what I’m most looking forward to THIS month [I seriously can’t believe it’s OCTOBER!] so, here we go:


Well we all know it WASN’T Irma …. gosh, she was really annoying. However, I am very thankful my family and friends, for the most part, came out unscathed.

I’d say my favorite memory was finally moving in to my town house after quite a bit of waiting and anticipation 🙂 It’s been a really nice change living somewhere that feels more like a ‘home’ than an apartment. It’s going to take a little more time to get fully settled, with everything in its place, but I’m really happy to be somewhere new with my boys.

FAVORITE ONLINE VIDEO: This video completely melted my heart when I watched it a couple of weeks ago on Facebook. I was crying the biggest tears. I rescued both Fish and Chips from abandonment situations and both decisions were life changing. They were scary decisions to make but I have never ONCE regretted giving them my heart and a home. They are the brightest light in each of my days and have been the reason for 80% of the smiles over the last 7 years.

But Chi Chi is a whole other kind of rescue …. you can see that very obviously from the video. Her rescuers had to figure out her international transport – which, surely was NOT an easy task – and then figure out how to improve her mobility and functionality in addition to assimilating her into a home that already houses multiple rescue dogs. If you rescue a pup that is clearly going to be a challenge in multiple ways – financially, medically, etc. – LIKE CHI CHI …  you are truly my hero! They deserve a chance at a happy life and people who think outside of their own wants and desires can certainly make that happen – as Chi Chi’s owners clearly show. I absolutely loved seeing her complete transformation – not just physically but in the face and spirit. You can tell she feels so loved and cared for 🙂

FAVORITE UNDER $50 PURCHASE: This one is a tie between this leopard print clutch, which is SUCH a solid dupe of the Clare V. fold over clutch that was so big a few years ago, and this baker boy hat. I’ve been wearing both quite a bit lately and foresee myself styling them even more in the coming months!

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Both of them are going with me to London and Paris next week!

FAVORITE PODCASTS: If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I got really into podcasts this month. During my first weekend in the townhouse, I didn’t have cable or internet so I listened to podcasts as I unpacked. I’ve particularly taken to crime-related podcasts but have found some others that I like, as well. My favorites so far have been Up  & Vanished, Serial, Typology and For the Love with Jen Hatmaker. This month, I’m looking forward to listening to Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People.

FAVORITE NEW OBSESSION: When I was in Boston over the weekend, my best friend, Whitney, exposed me to @animalsdoingthings on Instagram. We literally sat together and laughed until we cried for 10 minutes every night. It was the best end to every night! So, I now have a new favorite Instagram account …. 😉 Move over @harlowandsage [just kidding – I still love them, too!]

THIS, THIS, THIS and THIS are a couple faves.

FAVORITE INSTAGRAM POST: I didn’t post as much as usual on Instagram because of the move and then Hurricane Irma but, out of the ones I did share, my favorite is this one from my recent trip to Connecticut:

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This long sleeve shirt dress [also comes in a pale blush pink HERE] is an amazing staple for Fall because it’s easy to layer a vest, utility jacket or long cardigan with like this one that I’m wearing. It comes in three colors, is a thick warm material and under $50!

My favorite Instagram post that I’ve LIKED in the month of September – yes I went back through them all and chose one hahaha – is this one by @theprettycities:

FAVORITE SAVE VS. SPLURGE: I bought this cashmere sweater during the Shopbop sale and literally JUST sent it back when I found out that J.Crew came out with an almost identical one for under $100! Yayyy! It might not be cashmere but it has 50% wool in it so I’m sure it’ll be pretty warm.

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FAVORITE LESSON / REALIZATION: As a blogger, there’s a huge potential to be seen as superficial and self-absorbed. It’s easy for people on the outside looking in, who choose not to try and get to know me through the blog and social media, as someone who is obsessed with shopping and frivolous things and puts their value in how much they can own and how many designer handbags they have. I’m sure that there are girls out there, not even just bloggers … but, just, women … who fit that description but, having to go through Irma without knowing where she was going to hit and how much of a punch she was going to pack for us really reminded me that things are just simply that …. things. They can’t and won’t go to Heaven with you. They don’t hold even come close to how valuable you are in the eyes of Jesus. They aren’t what really matter in this life.

Irma approached and hit Florida the same week as New York Fashion Week and while, I completely understand that if a natural disaster is not affecting you personally, it’s easy to turn a cheek and not realize the magnitude of the event. But, I think watching everyone that I follow that attended make much of themselves and all that there is to do during that week, it truly humbled me because I have totally been guilty of that. Of not realizing that something BIG is happening, people are scared and people are suffering, and how I could stop for just a second and pray for other people. Again, I’m not hating whatsoever. It just opened my eyes to want to be more aware … even in the busy-ness of life. It’s important to offer your love and heart to people, even if it’s from afar. Jesus works in the midst of tragedy and we can be praying for big things during these times and I know He hears them.

My heart truly breaks for all of those affected by the mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday evening. Who doesn’t love going to a concert? And to think this happened at an event where you go to forget your cares and worries … it just isn’t right. It isn’t right in any circumstance. I can’t stand seeing people use guns in this way. It is sickening. I know what losing a loved one out of the blue feels like so I’ve been praying over the people who got those debilitating phone calls the other night. The grief and pain they’re feeling and walking through is a pain I wouldn’t wish on my least favorite person. It did warm my heart, however, to see SO many people showing up to donate blood! God bless all of those amazing men and women!

FAVORITE BLOG POST ON S&T: A couple of weeks ago I shared this outfit on the blog and I have to say it was my favorite outfit post but I also really enjoyed finally culminating all of the programs that make my job just a little bit easier / more efficient!

abercrombie, blanket scarf, fall fashion, fall style, abercrombie & fitch, alyson haley

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FAVORITE ACCESSORY PURCHASE: I have been wearing these Lisi Lerch tassel earrings NON-STOP. They’re a little pricey : but I’ve worn them SO much and can foresee myself continuing to do so throughout the Fall and Winter season 🙂 They go so well with all of the colors that are popular this time of year!

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FAVORITE SKIN CARE PRODUCT: I’ve been needing a good toner to incorporate into my nightly skin care routine so my friends at TULA insisted I try the one they came out with not too long ago. I have some friends who had been using it and said it was a really good product. There really was no surprise … I loved it [there isn’t a TULA product that I haven’t loved!]] and continue to use it every night. It’s helped restore the ideal pH level of my skin leaving it smooth and hydrated. I apply this after I wash my face at night with their skin cleanser.

The other great thing about their toner is that it doesn’t cost as much as some other ones that I’ve seen. It’s reasonably priced at $34 and will last you at least six months.

See my full skin care routine in THIS post.

FAVORITE DEVELOPMENT BEHIND THE SCENES: The other day, I got a very exciting email that could potentially lead to one of the most exciting opportunities I’ve ever been presented. I really can’t say much else but I ask that you pray it works out!! 🙂 🙂

FAVORITE BEAUTY BUY: Well, I was hoping to mention the eyeshadow palette that will be included in the eyeshadow tutorial in this spot but because I experienced technical difficulties while I was in Connecticut last week … the post won’t be going up until tomorrow so be sure to stop over tomorrow for that!


• Reuniting with my favorite city, London

• Exploring the beautiful city of Paris extensively

• Roadtripping through France with one of my favorite people, Victoria

• Sharing the whole travel experience and my daily style with you on the blog and social media

• Florida / Georgia game at the end of the month ; my best friend, Susanna, is coming in town to enjoy it with me!

• Getting my car back after having to get some repairs made on it

• Shooting a really fun campaign for Kate Spade while I’m in Paris

• Shooting a post on my favorite travel beauty products, especially great for international travel

• Sharing my hair tutorial with you guys TODAY on Facebook during a Facebook Live at 1:30pm EST / 10:30 PST. Don’t miss it! I’ll be giving away curling wands and offering an exclusive and generous discount code to my readers!! Be sure to tune in!! Go ahead and follow me on Facebook HERE!

• Sharing my eyeshadow tutorial with you guys on the blog TOMORROW 🙂 Be sure to stop by!

I will be missing the boys so much when I’m overseas. I always miss them so much when I’m away so that’s what I’m NOT looking forward to. Ha, but otherwise … it should be a really fun month. I’m hoping to update the blog with quick Paris outfit and trip updates each day while I’m gone. The posts will be short as I don’t have a lot of time at the end of each night when I’m traveling because I spend the day exploring and making the most of the time there so that my travel diaries have LOTS of resources and information for you but, I do feel like it needs to get to you guys a little sooner than it has in the past so … just know, I will still be updating as I normally do but it’ll be the content that I’m wearing on the trip rather than waiting to post those when I get back. Victoria and I are going to crank them out for ya! 🙂 At least that’s the plan as of now hhah … anyway, thanks for stopping by today! Let me know if you like these posts! xo.

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