Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts Under $50

Hey there, lovelies!

I’m so excited to share my first holiday gift guide with you today! I know it’s a little early and the season doesn’t technically start until after Thanksgiving but, hey … as the saying goes “early bird gets the worm”! When I start gift buying early, I’m not only much better gift giver but I also feel like I’m being a much better steward of my money. I can say ‘okay, I’m going to buy for these three people now and spend XX much then two more next time I get paid and spend XX much’ and so on and so on. Let’s be honest. If you don’t make a conscious decision to do this or to set aside a certain amount of each paycheck between now and the time you DO start buying gifts … you could really put a hurting on your bank account or not be able to purchase well thought out gifts. So, go ahead and take a few minutes this week to put together a plan 🙂

When it comes to sharing holiday gift guides, I always start with gifts under $50 because I feel like it’s the price point most people try and stay under for most of their loved ones. I know these are geared more toward the ladies but I am hopeful that they help spark some good ideas for your best friend, your sister, your sister in law, your mom, your roommate, your favorite co-worker, etc! I will be sharing a gift guide for the men in your life and I may try and squeeze in a gift guide for the little ones, as well. So, hang tight on those!

I’m personally swooning over these slippers, that I can’t believe are only $18, and this light pink chunky knit scarf! I think I’m going to score a few of these little Champagne Travel Cocktail Kits for my favorite travel buddies and this little bluetooth speaker for one of my best friends who likes to draw a bath at the end of a long day and listen to music.

If you’re looking for some affordable seasonal clothing gifts under $50 for any of the ladies in your life, here are a few cute options:

I hope you’ve found this gift guide to be a helpful start to your gift search! I’ll keep them coming every Tuesday and Saturday until Christmas 🙂 Thanks for stopping by today! Appreciate it! xo.

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