My December At-Home Bucket List

Happy Wednesday, friends and happy first day of lockdown being lifted to any ladies here from the UK! Thankfully, the government decided to lift lockdown starting TODAY, so I am really excited to start taking advantage of all the holiday activities, even if they’re a bit different / limited this year. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in 2020 it’s not to take anything for granted, and even just being able to leave the house with John and do something festive feels like such a privilege right now!

Although I titled this post “December At-Home Bucket List”, I did mix in some leave-the-house activities too – I just truly wasn’t sure what our circumstance would be when I added this idea to my editorial calendar. Thankfully we will be able to leave the house, however, there are lots of cozy, fun things to do at home as well!

Let’s dive into the list!

Go See Love Actually In Concert

Okay, I’m so excited about this [hence why it’s first on the list]! What you do is watch the movie and a live orchestra plays all of the music – how cool, right?! And if you’re anything like me, you’re obsessed with Love Actually so this feels like a really special outing for me. The girls and I bought tickets to this awhile ago and it was supposed to be on 12/11 but has been rescheduled to the 18th. Two of the girls have decided to opt-out due to Christmas plans but John is taking one ticket and Whit’s boyfriend is taking the other so, it’ll be a little double date night with my bestie and our men. Should be a fun night – not sure if they’re excited but we are, ha!

If you’re in London and want to grab tickets, you can find them here!

Put Together a Christmas Hosting Plan

Since the lockdown has been lifted, John and I are able to host his family this year as both his sister and his mom are both preparing to move at the start of 2021. We celebrated with my family last year and since 2020 has prevented us from spending a lot of time with his family this year, I know John is so excited to have everyone at our place. I’m honestly so pumped because I wanted to be with John’s fam but since we have the boys to consider … I was nervous to bring them to someone else’s house, if I’m honest, ha! Of course, John is in charge of the menu and I know it’s going to so good. He graciously handed desserts over to me, though. I’m so pumped! I haven’t picked the ‘main’ dessert out yet but, John has two little nieces so I definitely want to make some reindeer poop with them and create a little hot chocolate station for everyone to enjoy. I thought it’d be fun for them to dress their hot chocolate and then put a bottle of Bailey’s out for the adults to do what they want with theirs, hah! If you have a delicious dessert you love to make [that’s generally pretty easy, hah!], leave it in the comments below! I’m all ears! Also, what games should we play??

Bake Holiday Goodies at Home

Speaking of John and food, lol. You might have seen this post that I shared last month regarding all the yummy things we’ve been making lately. Well, I expect that trend to continue well into the holiday season and winter in general. John isn’t a huge baker but we really love getting in the kitchen together and creating something delicious. I’m keeping my eye out for holiday recipes, which I save to Pinterest if you want to follow along. I’m thinking the chocolate and peppermint combination sounds like something I want to try my hand at! You know I’ll be stalking Halfbaked Harvest’s posts on Instagram, as well! Hah!

Watch All the Christmas Movies

You already know I love holiday movies based on going to see Love Actually in concert, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that taking in all the Christmas movies is definitely something I want to do this year. I tend to bounce back and forth between classics like Meet Me in St. Louis and Miracle on 34th Street to Home Alone and Home Alone 2 to The Holiday, Christmas with the Kranks, and Love Actually. I also looooove to watch Little Women during the holidays. But, one I always save for Christmas Eve is … The Family Stone. It just hits me in the feels and I don’t know why … that’s been my Christmas Eve tradition for the past few years. What are your go-to’s for Christmas movies?!

Start Our Own Family Tradition

If I’m honest, I really have no idea what this tradition will be at this point but I wanted to put it on my bucket list as I’m so excited for baby boy to be a part of whatever it is once he’s here next year. I’m someone who truly values tradition and all the memories that are created when you have something you do with your family year after year. I can’t wait to start whatever our Christmas tradition is going to be and all the memories that will come from it!

Enjoy as Much of London During Christmastime as Possible

It became very clear to me how different London is this year compared to years past when I went on my Thanksgiving morning walk. Of course I’ve been out and about a handful of times and know that this year is obviously very different, but usually by now you can really feel and see all the holiday magic in London. I won’t say the magic is completely absent because you can definitely still find it, but all the markets, lights and shows that are so filled with life and are so popular this time of year aren’t quite as prevalent. It’s sad, but there are still sights to be seen and Christmas magic in the city and I’m determined to take it all in!

Make Homemade Seasonal Drinks

You’d never know based on this list that I’m not one to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, ha, but I guess that’s what multiple lockdowns and stay home orders do to a person. Truly, even though I’m not much of a cook, there is something about baking and whipping up some homemade cocoa this time of year. Normally I’d probably be a little more partial to trying my hand at mulled wine, but hot chocolate will have to do this year!

Do a Random Act of Kindness

This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately and would love to do. I’m not sure what it is but I’d love to find a way for John and me to surprise someone – even a total stranger – with something special. Has anyone else ever done this? What did you do? I’d love to hear about what you did, big or small. If you don’t feel comfortable leaving a public comment, send me a DM over on Instagram.

Send Christmas Cards

This is one of my favorite Christmas traditions! It’s something I always look forward to every year, this year more than ever since we shared we’re expecting. Sending Christmas cards is definitely going to be a tradition we continue once baby boy gets here! Also, who doesn’t love getting mail? I feel like it’s one of the small joys in life I’ve realized I really love and look forward to.

Enjoy Time Together Without Screens/Tech

In between all the Christmas movies, I also really want John and I to spend quality time together without any technology. With the exception of using screens to also “spend time” with our families, I think it’s really important to turn everything off and talk, laugh, play games, bake – anything to get our noses out of our phones and instead focusing on one another. After all, this is our last Christmas as just us two, so even though we’re very excited for baby boy to be here for the holidays next year, I also really want us to savor this time and take it all in the best we can.

I’d love to know what you’re planning this holiday season! Share your bucket list ideas in the comments so we can all add them to our own! xo.

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