POSTS FROM Central Europe

What to Pack

What to pack depends completely on when you go! I went in the Winter but here are some options for Spring & Summer!

Haley's Top 5 Tips:

Hungary's currency is MUCH different than the dollar. For every 1 U.S. dollar, it equals approximately 270 Hungarian Forint.
With that said, be careful when taking out money. Not only is the currency different but the way they display an amount of money is different. They use a decimal where we would use a comma. For example, upon arriving in Budapest, I went to get cash out of the ATM for the cab to the hotel. The ATM displayed 120.000 Hungarian Forint, which I thought was 120 Hungarian Forint. After doing the conversion, that equaled less than $1, which should have been a red flag but I didn't know what else to do so I just committed to the choice. After arriving at the hotel, I got an alert from my bank via text that I authorized an ATM withdrawal of $460. After a little research, I realized that 120.000 Hungarian Forint was actually 120,000 Hungarian Forint, in the way WE display numbers. So, BE. CAREFUL! Hungary makes a lot of money off of naive tourists like myself upon arriving in their country!
In order to rent a car in Hungary, you must have an international drivers license. Also, be sure to brush up on which countries along your journey require a car decal. You can get them at the gas station in countries like Slovenia and Austria. If you don't get one, you will pay a hefty fine when crossing the border. Trust me.