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Search Results for: momma

If you are buying for a Mom-to-be or a new Momma, I have some gift ideas for you in today's blog post! Hope these are helpful!
Dear Momma,   I took care of a woman today who survived what took you from me. Every patient I have come across this past week has, actually. What once was...
The blank stare I carried with me down the long hallways of the hospital followed me to the passenger seat of my Dad’s truck. Gazing out the window on the...
Hi friends! Two weeks ago, Louie turned 18 months old. I can’t even believe it. Where does the time go? It’s been a little while since I’ve given you guys...
Happy May, everyone! Is it just me or is 2022 absolutely flying by?! We’re almost halfway through the year already, which is just so wild to me. Anyway, popping on...
Happy Wednesday, friends! I am celebrating my second Mother’s Day as Louie’s mum and wow, what perspective a year can give! Being his mum the last year has changed my...
Louie is one so I thought I'd share the 10 most used baby items during his first year. I can't believe we're starting to retire some of them!
Hey friends, happy Friday! Another week in the books and I feel like I’ve finally gotten back on track after our trip to the Bahamas and visit to the States....
Happy Sunday, friends! Kind of loving that I’m sharing my first Instagram Roundup blog post in … well, a while, hah! Feels so good to be getting this content to...
Hello from the States! I’m putting this together before we take off on our trip to the Bahamas [cannot wait to feel that sunshine!] and thought it’d be fun to...