What to Pack

The States are a melting pot of amazing locations and climates. Dress for the weather!

Haley's Top 5 Tips:

If you’re not from the United States, but are traveling here, make sure you have a full understanding of the visa restrictions from your country, and what forms of identification you’ll need to bring with you.
If you’re an American coming home from being abroad, download Mobile Pass for your phone. Just fill it out on the way and you can breeze through customs.
Tipping in the United States is voluntary, however, 15% to 20% in restaurants is the norm. Minimum wage is low, and tipping makes up for this.
The U.S. is one of only three countries in the world that does not use the metric system to measure.
The United States is very particular when it comes to personal space. Americans get really uncomfortable when others get too close to them, whether in a conversation setting or simply standing in line. When in doubt, just keep a little more distance than normal.