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Hi friends! Have you snagged any good fall finds lately? As much as I enjoy shopping for the fall season for my own wardrobe and my home decor, I also...
Hi friends! Two weeks ago, Louie turned 18 months old. I can’t even believe it. Where does the time go? It’s been a little while since I’ve given you guys...
We celebrated Louie's first birthday a few weeks ago and I thought I'd share some of the details of the bear-themed party with you!
Louie is one so I thought I'd share the 10 most used baby items during his first year. I can't believe we're starting to retire some of them!
Hi my friends! Wow, it’s taken me FOR.EVER. to get you this blog post. I realize it probably only serves a small portion of my audience but, hey ho. I...
Today, I'm excited to share what products helped me recover after my C-section and made my postpartum period a little easier!
Hi there, friends! I cannot even believe that it has been one month since welcoming little Louie into the world. Nothing has ever taken up more space in my heart...
Hi, friends! Happy Tuesday! Ok, ladies, I think I’m finally ready to start diving into all the baby/motherhood content I’ve been promising y’all. You guys have been so patient with...
Happy Monday, friends! Hoping this is the last post I write before baby *finally* comes. It’s actually a post that came to me in the last week as I spent...