Most Popular Blog Posts of 2020

Hey, ladies! I hope you’re ready for another recap post from 2020 because today is all about the most popular blog posts from last year! Looking back at analytics like this as well as best-selling products, which I shared earlier this week, is so fun and helpful for me so I can understand what y’all want to see more of. I hope it’s fun for you guys too so you can revisit some of your favorite Alyson Haley moments from 2020 or maybe find something you’ve been looking for!

Alright, without further ado, the most popular blog posts of 2020!

10. Shopbop Sale: Recent Outfits + My Personal Picks

Always love the Shopbop sale every year! I hope to cover the one in the Spring as it’s probably my favorite one of theirs because I love light colors! What do y’all have your eye on for Spring? Too early to tell yet? Lmk!

9. 6 Autumn Trends I’m Embracing This Year

Love that this made the list because it was one of the first shoots I was able to do after my first trimester and I shot it with a photographer I had never worked with before. She’s so sweet and I loved her vibe overall. She also does video for Instagram, which y’all really liked for this because you could see how the outfit moved. Who knows … maybe that’s why this post did so well. You’ll have to let me know!

8. The Friday Five | January 2020

It makes my heart happy to see how much y’all love the Friday Five! Would love to know why this one was most intriguing to y’all… weigh-in in the comments! I’m guessing because of organizational stuff – y’all LOVE that stuff! I struggle with it, too, so I totally get it! I used a ton of the same storage bins, clear containers and all things organization in our London home as I did my Florida home so wanted to share those below for anyone looking to start the new year off right!

7. Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Early Access Picks

It’s been tough to gauge interest in coverage of the coveted #NSALE the last few years because I know it can get a little overwhelming and if I’m honest, annoying, as I know SO many influencers cover it, but this shows me you girls still really like seeing my picks, which is so helpful to know!

6. Full List Of 2020 Black Friday Sales

Oh, Black Friday! It’s such a crazy time and I have a love-hate relationship with it because it’s very time and labor-intensive for me and my team but it’s clearly worth it seeing how many of you utilized my post this year. Don’t worry, the coverage here isn’t going anywhere!

5. What I Want To Do Different In 2020

This might have been one of my favorite posts I wrote last year. I still love every intention I put forward and … WOW … did 2020 reallllly help me lean into some of these, ha. Almost to the point where it got uncomfortable but I know, in the end, I’m better for it. I think my relationship with John is better for it, too. Our three-month lockdown followed, almost immediately, by a move and my two-month-long first-trimester slumber allowed us to spend some really good quality time together that we hadn’t had the opportunity to enjoy being that we were long distance for our first year and forced me to see the value in rest and self-care. It felt weird to not be constantly working and sharing new things and new posts and shooting new content but, at the same time, that time spent away enriched my personal life in ways that my work life never will and that’s so valuable. I think it’s when you feel like you’re being forced into something due to circumstances outside your control that maybe what you’re having to go through is something you really need. So whenever I get frustrated with certain aspects of how 2020 unfolded, I remember there were blessings there, too, and lessons I took away from it all that I wouldn’t otherwise have.

4. Are Golden Goose Worth The Splurge?

I’m starting to think maybe GGs are on the outs but this post very much showed me that lots of y’all in the US are still VERY much into them. Not gonna lie – I am too, although I do find myself wearing my Vejas more just because they’re easier to slip on and go with everything. I still stand behind my love of GGs and everything I said in this post so if you’re looking for some cute ones to consider, check these out:

3. Moving To London Series: Moving Q&A

If you’re new around here and want all the details on my move to London, this post answers all the juicy questions girls had at the time!

2. Moving To London Series: I Got My Visa!

Exhibit B that you guys are such rockstar cheerleaders. You all showed so much excitement over the start of the chapter I had been fighting for and knew what was meant for me for YEARS. So many people probably thought I was crazy to pursue this visa but I just had a gut feeling and I’m so glad I trusted it.

1. I’m Pregnant!

Not surprised by this at all! This post breaks down some of the initial details that I knew people would want to know but also turns into a bit of a diary entry where I just spill my guts to all of my digital besties; thanks for all your love and support!

Were the top posts what you expected them to be?? I was pleasantly surprised to see how much you guys still really enjoy my sale picks/roundup posts so I’ve noted that for 2021! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for being here throughout one of the craziest years to date!

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